Hot Rolling Mill

    Incorporated in the year 2017 SSWL has set-up a Hot Rolling Mill at Seraikella in Jharkand state. It has a current annual capacity of 60,000 Metric Tons.
    This Mill is state of art Hot rolling mill and in house well equipped QA Lab with specialize in mechanical , metallurgical & Chemical testing .
    It provides the backward integration for child parts of heavy Commercial vehicle wheels.
    We manufacture Hot rolled profiled bar with design particulars as mentioned below:
    1) Profile sections
    (C-25,AISI1029 steel grade)
    Side ring_7.5×20
    Side Ring_6.00Gx16
    Side Ring_5.50Fx16
    Side Ring_8.5×24
    Flange ring 8.0×20/7.5×20
    Flange Ring_7.0x20/6.5×20
    Lock Ring 7.5×20/7.0×20/6.5×20
    Lock Ring_8.0x20/7.5×20

    2) OTR Multi-piece Rim Sections
    Flange ring
    Lock ring
    Bead seat band
    Gutter band

    3) Bars (in Low alloy steel grades)

    4) Flat (in spring steel grade)
    60-120mm wide
    6-20mm thick

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