The company has achieved Gross Sale of Rs. 81.16 Crore during November, 2012 as against Rs. 85.67 Crore in November, 2011 . Net sales of the company is Rs. 73.63 Crore in November 2012 as against Rs. 78.40 Crore in November, 2011.
In terms of Number of Wheel Rims, the Company sold 7.77 lacs Steel Wheel Rims during the month of November, 2012 as against 8.16 lacs Steel Wheel Rims during the month of November 2011.
The company has achieved the Export Sales of 99392 wheel rims during the month of November, 2012 as against 76056 wheel rims during the month of November, 2011, recorded a growth of 30.68%.