SSWL achieves highest ever Monthly/Quarterly Sales (Sales Value/Volume)

    SSWL clocks 3rd consecutive month of highest ever monthly sales

    Monthly Sales value up by 200% YOY
    Quarterly Sales value up by 83 % YOY

    Sales Volume up by 112% in Month YOY and 39% in Quarter YOY

    Export Sales cross Rs100cr first time in a Quarter

    SSWL achieved highest ever wheel rim sales of 16.73 Lacs in March 2021 Vs 7.88 Lacs in March 2020 representing a growth of 112.44 % YoY.

    SSWL has achieved gross turnover of Rs 307.38 Crores in March 2021 Vs 102.28 Crores in March 2020, there by recording a growth of 200.52 % YOY and achieved Net turnover of Rs.253.29 Crores in March 2021 Vs Rs.84.73 Crores in March 2020, recording a growth of 198.92 %.

    Truck Wheel Sales Volume Grew by 497 % YOY

    Alloy Wheel sales Volume Grew by 238 % YOY

    Exports wheel sales Volume Grew by 221 % YOY

    Segment wise Breakup of growth

    Segment March-21 Growth (YoY)
    Truck 497%
    Exports 221%
    Passenger Car 93%
    Tractor 57%
    2 & 3 Wheelers 28%
    Overall 112%

    Exports Segment volume rose by 221 % YOY. The export segment is expected to grow by double digits in coming months.

    PV segment grew by 93% YOY. The PV volumes saw a growth with Continued uptick in demand and we hope that the upward growth in segment will continue in FY22 as well.

    Tractor volumes rose by 57% YoY. The tractor segment continued to report a positive growth in the month, we hope that this trend will continue going forward supported by the upcoming demand during the season.

    Commercial Vehicles segment volumes rose by 497% YoY. The CV segment reported 497% growth YoY. The segment is expected to witness momentum going ahead in FY21-22 with scrappage policy now in place.

    2 & 3 Wheelers Segment rose by 28% YOY and shows growth of 7 % on MOM also, and is expected to grow steadily going in next FY 21-22.

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