SSWL registers 5% turnover growth in February led favourable product mix of truck segment.

    SSWL achieved total wheel rim sales of 11.67 Lacs Vs 11.84 Lacs in February 2017 representing a YoY contraction of 1%.
    Jamshedpur plant (commercial wheel plant) operated at 100% utilization in February 2017 and expected to close the financial year with similar performance in March 2017.

    Chennai Plant is expected to reach its Highest sales & Capacity utilization in March 2017.
    In terms of Value, the company has achieved gross turnover of Rs 123.04 Crs in February 2017 Vs 116.77 Crs in February 2016, there by recording growth of 5% and achieved Net turnover of Rs.108.51 Crs in February 2017 Vs Rs. 105.30 Crs in February 2016, recording a growth of 3%.

    Segment wise Breakup of growth


    Segment February Growth (YoY)
    Passenger Car 2+6%
    2 & 3 Wheelers -16%
    Tractor +1%
    Truck +15%
    Exports -19%
    Overall -1%


    Passenger car segment grew 6% in February 2017 YoY. The PV segment grew by 6% despite the pressure of demonetization and we high single digit growth coming through the next financial year.

    LCV & MHCV segment volumes grew by 15% YoY in February 2017. The CV segment saw a robust growth we expect the infrastructure theme to work for the segment. We expect the sales growth to be in high double digit the Jamshedpur plant capacity utilization of close to 100% can be maintained.

    Domestic Tractor segment volumes grew by 1% in February 2017 YoY. The tractor segment saw flat growth on the back on pipeline inventory adjustment by all customers and we expect high single digit growth falling through going ahead.

    2&3 wheelers segment de-grew by 16% in February 2017 YoY. This segment saw improvement MoM and the situation is improving by each passing month. We expect the normal levels of dispatches in Q1 2017-18.

    Exports volumes dropped by 19% in February 2017. Exports shipments were down 19% in February 2017 due to very high base of last year. The company is on the target to achieve the 1.45Mn volume target projected for the year.

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